Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November Updates


Latest news on Pinterest

Changes and Strategy:
October 9, 2013, Pinterest began testing promoted pins.  Promoted pins are paid placements from select retailers and businesses that appear within Pinterest’s search results and feeds.  These pins work just like regular pins but at the bottom of the pin they will have a special “promoted” label along with a link to learn more about what that means.  Pinterest is just testing these out right now.  Below is an example of what the “promoted pins” look like.

In the screen shot above, you can see the “promoted pin” label circled in red.  In the bottom right corner of a pin you will notice a small “i” logo.  Clicking on this logo will bring up the circled box the arrow is pointing to on the right.  This box gives you information about why it is posted and a link to learn more about the pin. 

Rolling out the “promoted pins” is another step in the steadily adding different enhancements to its enhancements to its service over the past several months for businesses and developers. 

Pinterest said there is a chance you will not see them for yourself because right now they are only rolling these out to a subset of Pinterest users at first.  Pinterest promises that the promoted pins will be:

Ø  Tasteful.  No flashy banners or pop-up ads.
Ø  Transparent.  You will know if someone paid for what you see, or where you see it.
Ø  Relevant.  These pins should be about things you’re actually interested in, like a delicious recipe, or a jacket that’s your style.
Ø  Improved based on your feedback.  Let them know what you think because they are working to make things better.

How To:
Since these “promoted pins” are still in the testing stages, how to get paid ads is not yet known.  To date, no one is paying for the “promoted pins.”  Pinterest is testing to see how things go and what Pinterest users think.  The company has not disclosed which advertisers are testing the Promotional Pins.  However, the pins look and act like they would if they had been paid ads.  This allows Pinterest time to refine and further test the experience.
As more information is released, I will keep you updated about the “promoted pins.”  

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pinterest Tips to Improve Your SEO

Stressed me out trying  to decide - Did I share this with you yet? 

Pinterest Tips to Improve Your SEO      (Click on words to left for video)

If you click on the link above, you will view a video that I put together with helpful hints from mine and Anna's friend +Vincent Ng   Good tips and Vincent did the research.   When naming boards, writing descriptions,      choosing url addresses,   file names; always be cognizant of keywords. Humph, bet you didn't think a  dog would know that big of  a word.             

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Boy, oh, boy, those girls are looking hot!!!

Hi, there,
Yes, it is me, Shadow, the Pinterest Tipster.  Sorry about my tongue sticking out but boy, oh, boy, those girls in that video were looking lip smacking good.   Take a look for yourself. 

When I heard Anna talking to a client about Pinterest teaming with Style TV to present fashions pinned on Pinterest, I knew Pinterest was run by smart folks.  I snuck and look up more information on Anna's computer while she was gone.  (Don't tell Anna.  She doesn't  know that I can read).Not only are they doing this in the United States but they are also doing this in Europe.  I am beginning to understand why Anna likes Pinterest and wanted to help business owners learn how to use it.  Pinterest is growing by leaps and bounds and  they are also listening to their clients.  What I don't understand is why small business owners don't get in on the action now.  Makes so much sense.  Tsk. Tsk.  Guess they don't know all that I know because I listen to Anna. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Wonder what I should share with these humans today????
Hello, Shadow, the Pinterest Tipster, here again.  Sometimes I hear Anna talking to clients about their Pinterest accounts and why they are not getting much traffic.  I often hear her referring to her friend Vincent Ng, who she just adores.  Vincent this, Vincent that, Vincent says.  Well, I peeked at this video as she was producing it and thought, "Hmm, he is pretty sharp."  Therefore, I thought I would share with you Vincent's video about mistakes Starbucks made with their Pinterest account and maybe you can learn from his solutions.  I wish I had gone to Vancouver and met Vincent.  Noooooo, I had to stay here with the Pet Sitter.  I often stood at the window like this looking for Anna and Ron to come back.  Write a comment and let me know what you think.  

Monday, September 2, 2013

Tips about why you should be using Pinterest


Hello, everyone,
Anna has me working on Labor Day.  Can you believe it?  I was using her computer while she was in a meeting and I saw these stats.  I said to myself, "Bark, self, these stats support why Pinterest is important even more."  If women are making the purchases, running the bank accounts, and spending $5 trillion annually, then I should want to be where there is a large market of women.  Duhhhh, that is Pinterest.  70 million users and 80% is female.  Doesn't that make sense?  Thought I would share with all of you real quick my recent revelation.

Women account for 85% of all consumer purchases including everything from autos to health care:*
91% of New Homes
66% PCs
92% Vacations
80% Healthcare
65% New Cars
89% Bank Accounts
93% Food
93 % OTC Pharmaceuticals

American women spend about $5 trillion annually…Over half of the U.S. GDP**

So tell me again why you are not using Pinterest???
I am going for a swim in the pool now. 
Happy Labor Day, 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

How to Become a Great Leader

How to Become a Great Leader

Hello, ever wondered if you have the traits to be a great leader?  Deepak Chopra shared these traits on LinkedIn.  I thought a video demonstrating what he was sharing would be good.  I illustrate the bad traits for you and then list the trait that Deepak's states is needed to get rid of the bad traits.  After watching the video, ask yourself are you a good leader?  Are you a part of the discontent?  This is what I like about working with Pinterest and Social Media.  We have to work together to succeed.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to Search Engine Optimize Your Pinterest Page

 Hello, Shadow here again.  Anna woke me up from my nap and asked me to post this: 
"Remember when you were a kid and your parents would try to tell you something and you would have to learn it the hard way?  Your parents might tell you not to climb that tree because you might fall and hurt yourself.  You climb the tree, fall, hurt yourself, and then run crying to mama.  Of course, mama consoles you but deep inside she is thinking, "I tried to tell you."
Well that is how I feel sometimes when talking to business owners.  I know Pinterest is good for them, will drive traffic to their website, and help to get their name out to a lot more people.  Well, my friend Vincent wrote a great blog which covers yet another reason that business owners should be on Pinterest.  
Yes, I want to say, I told you so. :-) "
How to Search Engine Optimize Your Pinterest Page

Monday, July 29, 2013


Hello, it's is me, Shadow.  You know the Pinterest Pro Tipster.  Anna kept me up late discussing this video and how it relates to Pinterest.  
Have you every done this to a marketer?  You see them handing out free samples and you just walk by and ignore.  I know Anna is good at doing this in the airport.  The marketers are not handing out dollars but a free T-shirt, free bag, etc. Anna walks by and she says to me, "Don't make look at them, don't stop to sniff, we won't be bothered by them." 
Anna  saw this video on Hubspot's blog and made me watch it.  I was amazed at how many people did not even look at the guy.  Why did they not grab the dollar?  I would have at least sniffed it.   Hubspot pointed out the young man had a clipboard in his hand.  People thought they would have to filled out a form or sign up for something.  Most people did not want to take the time to find out why he was giving away the dollar. 
I can relate to this.  Anna blocks pop up ads, doesn't  answer the phone when she don't know who is calling (I howl at the phone), she takes a flyer and put it in the garbage immediately.  Now, she will keep a little plastic bag because I may need to do my business, if you know what I mean.   I don't want to be bothered by these strangers and Anna doesn't care about  their "Free Offers."  Because I know this, I have been telling Anna  that she has to think about how she is going to make her social media stand out in the crowd and be pinteresting enough for people to stop, look, or listen.  Now me, I just look cute and folks stop to pet me on the head.  I don't have to worry about getting people's attention.
I realize that Anna has to work hard to earn people's trust if she wants to be successful using Pinterest to promote businesses.  She has to constantly tweak her pins to make them relevant to my audience.  By doing this, consumers will begin to trust her and feel as though they know her.   (These reminders usually earn me a treat or two)  These consumers will be comfortable using Anna's information to make a decision where their personal information and money is involved.  
 Consumers are getting really good at avoiding being interrupted by marketing.  That is one of the points that Anna makes about Pinterest  doing a better job of getting consumers attention to purchase than Facebook.  Pinterest doesn't have the ads and promotions interrupting their feeds.  A person can browse and look at Anna's pins without the hassle of these "pop-ups."  I hope Pinterest remains this way and so does Anna.  I do not want folks to become "Pinterest Free."  Also, the next time you someone handing out dollars - take one. Don't just yawn and move on like me. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pinteresting Attitudes About Pinterest

As I was having breakfast at my favorite restaurant, one of the workers heard me talking about my recent trip to Alaska.  The worker said, "You went at a good time.  When we went it was all rainy and cold.  We were miserable."  I thought, "You were in Alaska.  What did you expect?"  It was rainy and cold while I was in Alaska last week some of the days but I wasn't miserable.  I was excited to be there and knew that more whales may be out because it was raining.  I put on my rain gear and headed out for more fun and adventure.

As I set there finishing my breakfast, I thought, "Life really is all about attitude."  With the cold and rainy weather, I could have chose to be miserable - instead I chose to embrace the weather and enjoy it.  The same for social media.  When I mention using Pinterest to drive traffic to your website, I get amazing reactions - it is too difficult, I ask friends and they said Facebook is better, more people are on Facebook, Pinterest is for women to find recipes and crafts or plan weddings.  At the same time, many of these people are miserable because their business is not improving and sales have dropped out.  They sit on the balcony and complain about the "rain" instead of figuring out how to put their "rain boots" on and play in the rain.

Pinterest would be a way to put on those "rain boots" and head out for more fun and adventure.  Instead of sitting there without doing adequate research, look at the facts.  What are the numbers?  If you look at my website, you will see that one of the  "interesting facts" is that Pinterest out-sales Amazon.  81% of online consumers trust information, advice, and recommendations coming from Pinterest.  Pinterest offers your business a new way to connect with existing customers and potential shoppers who are just waiting for a brand like yours. 

Instead of sitting on the balcony and being miserable, choose to put on your "rain boots" and look at an opportunity to explore new territory in social media and see the wonder of Pinterest.  You will have a "whale of a good time." 



Click and Watch Whales

Monday, June 3, 2013


Hey, got your attention didn't I? 

When I go to the doctor’s office, the nurse always says, “Step on the scales, I need to get your weight.”  Have you ever said, “No, thank you, you did that last week or last month?”  I have.  Try it sometimes and watch their face.   It totally freaks them out.  Makes me wonder if the doctor has torture instruments in the back they use on the nurse if she doesn't weigh you.  I understand the concept – plenty of nurses have explained it to me- but I don’t see the need.  Of course to the nurse, weighing you is necessary because it is on their check list and they need to say – “Weigh in patient, check.”  The nurse is so afraid to apply logic and be a human.  Don’t do that and after you see the Nurse Practitioner ask to speak to the doctor.  There will be a firing squad waiting on you.  I did this just because I wanted to say hello to the doctor (she is a former student of mine) and when I walked out of the room they were all lined up staring at me.  The doctor said, “She just wanted to say hello, she was my teacher.” 

After that experience, I started thinking about how many people react to social media.  There is the group of people that wouldn't dare do social media because somebody will crawl out of the computer and get them.  I freaked a cousin out because I told her they could get her information whether she was on social media or not.  I thought she would have a heart attack or send the firing squad after me (refer to prior paragraph.) 
Another group of people are like the nurse.  They have their standard way of doing things and heaven forbid if you try to convince them to apply logic and be human.  When I am coaching clients on how to use Pinterest, I tell them they have to show the human side.  Many of them look at me as though I grew a second head.  I will emphasize to put more on their boards than just products for sale.  For example, a real estate broker will just post pictures of houses they have for sale.  The client can find that on the Realtor website.  Why bother?  Why not show them what the community is like, fun community activities, neighborhood events and much more.  Show the client what is in it for them.  Realtors throw the pictures up there and they can check that off their list.  Social media for the week – check.  They completed that task and never look at it again that week. 

Another example is veterinarians.  I love dogs (Shadow is 17 years young) but they just throw up pictures of their clients (that’s dogs and cats) once a week and hope it sticks.  Social media for the week – check.  IF someone comments, the person doing the social media never sees it and never replies.  That is not using social media to help drive business to your door.  A plan needs to be developed and carried out.  What is in it for your client?  What can you do for my 17 year old dog?  

Who does your social media?  How often do you do it?  Are you willing to be different from the nurse or do you just say “check”?  Tell me some of your strategies.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013


As I was sitting here thinking about what I would blog about, I picked up Carol Tuttle's book and started reading.  This jumped out at me,
 "I was told that I was creating my struggles....I could no longer blame anyone else for the dysfunction in my life.  I liked believing I was a victim who had learned to be a survivor........IF I were the creator...then I was creating some pretty messed up scenarios."
Ms Tuttle had just reminded me that I create my own destiny.  Sometimes, as I am sure lots of you do, I begin thinking about my Pinteresting business training and start having self-doubts and creating all sorts of bad scenarios   At those times I remind myself that I am bringing negative into my life and need to let go and bring the positive.  Focus those energies instead on how I can better market my services because I know I am the best of the best.

As I sit and think of all this, I begin to think of business owners who have not tried Pinterest as a social media tool.  A major roadblock is that most do not understand it and the fear of the unknown holds them back.  Just like me, they are allowing the negative energy to hold them back.  This results in business owners  not allow the positive energy of what Pinterest can do for them and believing that it will truly promote their business.  Pinterest is a dynamic tool that has statistically proven that it drives traffic to your website for final sells better than any other tool out there.  

What would it take to convince you to give it a try? 


Saturday, May 4, 2013

How Keywords Help Businesses Find Your Pinterest Account

Whew!!!  Glad I am finished with that one.

How to Use Keyword Tools to Brainstorm Pinterest Board Topics [Quick Tip]
You have setup your account and now you are stuck trying to think of creative names of your boards.  You don’t want to get lost in the crowd and be too generic. 
All you have to do is answer the questions your audience is asking.  And how can you do it?  One way is through keyword research!  You can do this with any keyword research tool – I use Google’s AdWords Keyword Tool.  I will show you how to do it Google's AdWords Keyword Tool.
1) Go to the Google AdWords Keyword Tool
Start by going to this domain: https://adwords.google.com/o/KeywordTool. Once you're inside the tool, you will see this screen: (If it does not go to the tools and analysis tab and click on Keyword Tool)
Enter your domain name, words related to your product, one word, etc. to see which keywords you might want to target.

 2) Identify Strategic Keywords
You'll now see a list of keywords.  You want keywords with high search volume and low competition.  This means there are many people doing a Google search for this term but not many websites include them.  You'll be able to sort by these factors by clicking on the words, sorting the numbers by highest or lowest.  Here is the one for Pinterest.  (Make sure you are on the tab – Keyword ideas)

Once you've sorted the way you like, look for long-tail keywords -- keyword phrases that are typically three words or more.  Long-tail keywords are excellent for board content, description content, anything you write on the Internet related to your company.  These are usually problem-oriented phrases that people need solving.  Just think what that does for you when you offer the solution.  Print a copy of these and refer to them all the time.
These are a few examples I would use:
A Pinteresting We Shall Go
Helpful Tools at the Appstore
More than Crafts on Pinterest
How to Subtly Market Your Pinterest on Twitter
How to Subtly Market Your Pinterest in Your Blog Content
Pinterest Tips for Those Who Use iPhone 4s or iPhone 5s

3) Vary Searches to Identify More Keywords
If you the first batch of keyword phrases doesn’t stir your creativity, then you can refine your search to get more suggestions around a keyword phrase. For instance, I may have thought my first group was  just too generic. If that is true, click on the phrase and this pop-up will appear:

Select "Show more like this," and you'll be taken to a screen with keywords that are similar in nature, but not exact, to the original phrase.  This may or may not give you some better long-tail phrases.
In my example, I come up with many of the same topics.  I could perhaps try a different longtail phrase or stick with what I have.   If you ever want to topic brainstorm around a more specific topic, you can always simply input that topic or keyword phrase in the "Word or phrase" box to get ideas for words to use.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Is Pinter...
: PINTEREST IS GAINING SALES OVER FACEBOOK Is Pinterest Cutting Into Facebook’s Market Share? Click on the link above and you will dis...


Is Pinterest Cutting Into Facebook’s Market Share?

Click on the link above and you will discover some interest stats about how Pinterest is gaining in sales and Facebook declining.  Reading this article validated some of the statements I had been making to people in my seminars.  I am continuously researching and looking at statistics and predicted that Pinterest would continue to grow in popularity. My reasons: 

  • Visuals on Pinterest
  • Less selling pressure on Pinterest
  • Ads not there yet
  • Stats paint the picture
Read the article and let me know what you think.