Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to Search Engine Optimize Your Pinterest Page

 Hello, Shadow here again.  Anna woke me up from my nap and asked me to post this: 
"Remember when you were a kid and your parents would try to tell you something and you would have to learn it the hard way?  Your parents might tell you not to climb that tree because you might fall and hurt yourself.  You climb the tree, fall, hurt yourself, and then run crying to mama.  Of course, mama consoles you but deep inside she is thinking, "I tried to tell you."
Well that is how I feel sometimes when talking to business owners.  I know Pinterest is good for them, will drive traffic to their website, and help to get their name out to a lot more people.  Well, my friend Vincent wrote a great blog which covers yet another reason that business owners should be on Pinterest.  
Yes, I want to say, I told you so. :-) "
How to Search Engine Optimize Your Pinterest Page

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