Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pinteresting Attitudes About Pinterest

As I was having breakfast at my favorite restaurant, one of the workers heard me talking about my recent trip to Alaska.  The worker said, "You went at a good time.  When we went it was all rainy and cold.  We were miserable."  I thought, "You were in Alaska.  What did you expect?"  It was rainy and cold while I was in Alaska last week some of the days but I wasn't miserable.  I was excited to be there and knew that more whales may be out because it was raining.  I put on my rain gear and headed out for more fun and adventure.

As I set there finishing my breakfast, I thought, "Life really is all about attitude."  With the cold and rainy weather, I could have chose to be miserable - instead I chose to embrace the weather and enjoy it.  The same for social media.  When I mention using Pinterest to drive traffic to your website, I get amazing reactions - it is too difficult, I ask friends and they said Facebook is better, more people are on Facebook, Pinterest is for women to find recipes and crafts or plan weddings.  At the same time, many of these people are miserable because their business is not improving and sales have dropped out.  They sit on the balcony and complain about the "rain" instead of figuring out how to put their "rain boots" on and play in the rain.

Pinterest would be a way to put on those "rain boots" and head out for more fun and adventure.  Instead of sitting there without doing adequate research, look at the facts.  What are the numbers?  If you look at my website, you will see that one of the  "interesting facts" is that Pinterest out-sales Amazon.  81% of online consumers trust information, advice, and recommendations coming from Pinterest.  Pinterest offers your business a new way to connect with existing customers and potential shoppers who are just waiting for a brand like yours. 

Instead of sitting on the balcony and being miserable, choose to put on your "rain boots" and look at an opportunity to explore new territory in social media and see the wonder of Pinterest.  You will have a "whale of a good time." 



Click and Watch Whales

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