Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Wonder what I should share with these humans today????
Hello, Shadow, the Pinterest Tipster, here again.  Sometimes I hear Anna talking to clients about their Pinterest accounts and why they are not getting much traffic.  I often hear her referring to her friend Vincent Ng, who she just adores.  Vincent this, Vincent that, Vincent says.  Well, I peeked at this video as she was producing it and thought, "Hmm, he is pretty sharp."  Therefore, I thought I would share with you Vincent's video about mistakes Starbucks made with their Pinterest account and maybe you can learn from his solutions.  I wish I had gone to Vancouver and met Vincent.  Noooooo, I had to stay here with the Pet Sitter.  I often stood at the window like this looking for Anna and Ron to come back.  Write a comment and let me know what you think.  

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