Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Beginner's Guide to Creating a Pinterest Business Account

For a better view of infographic, Click here
Infographic on Anna's Board'
Have you looked at infographics similar to the one to the right and thought, "Maybe I should check out this social media, Pinterest?"  You go to the website and begin to establish a Pinterest account.  Then all the decisions have to be made. Business account or Personal account?  Interests? Create a board?  Photographs, where did all these images come from? You get that panicky feeling you used to get in Ms Wright's room in elementary school.  You get very frustrated and feel like throwing your hands up.

The image to the left may be a perfect depiction of how you feel.
That bottle of wine begins to call your name.

Don't panic - Pinterest Pro is here.  I created a video, "How to Create a Pinterest Business Account."  The video is on my website.  To view the video click on the URL provided here, The video has screen shots for you to follow.  With the video, you can stop and start it, rewind, and fast forward.

Go follow the tutorial.   If you have questions, please email me,, or you can call for a free 30 minute consultation, 407-421-3541.  I can see the thought bubble above your head now.

 Oh, she is trying to sell me something.  No, I'm  not.  I have a teacher's passion for helping people learn and understand how to do something.

I would appreciate you letting me know if it was helpful or send suggestions for changes.

Next week,  What do I name my boards?  I have an answer for you. 

Stay Pinteresting!

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