Monday, April 27, 2015

The Secret to an Audience of 20 million That Earns $100,000 and More

Do you often sit in front of your computer and wonder which median you should use to promote your business?  You open your email and you are bombarded with emails that tell you use Instagram, use Facebook, use Twitter, let me help you with SEO.  Who has time to figure this all out.  You get overwhelmed and delete all of them and look like this --------------------------------->

What if you knew you could choose a marketing platform that would put you in from of an audience that earns $100,000 or more, is the fastest-growing and most powerful group in the marketplace, and retail outsells Amazon, Yahoo, Bing and Google in final dollar sales?

Those are the statistics for Pinterest.  28.1% of the Pinterest audience earns $100,000 or more. (Represented by the blue shaded area to the left)  You remember someone talking about Pinterest at one of those many network meetings you sat through but kept thinking it is a bunch of females. (That is what the last solicitor told you) However, the solicitor failed to tell you that females do 65% of the consumer spending and men now make up 20% of the Pinterest audience.

Hmmm.  may have a point there.  Maybe I could learn Pinterest and get in before these other folks figure out how effective it is.  If you do decide to give Pinterest a try - remember - Pinterest is the turtle; other social media are the rabbits and be patient.  The average lifespan of a Facebook post is 90 minutes.  The lifespan of a pin is illustrated in this diagram.

If you need help, go to my website  My website was purposely designed to offer a large amount of information to help individuals.  
 Have a Pinteresting Day!

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