Sunday, April 19, 2015

5 Easy Steps to Creating a Pinterest Profile

You created a Pinterest Business account.  Now you need to build your profile.  How do I do it?
You look at others and try to figure it out.  Here are seven easy steps to a great Pinterest Profile that will help you to get found.

Getting Started: 
 On your Pinterest home page, look in the upper right part of the page. See where the red arrows are pointing to in the diagram below?  You will see Edit Profile and then a little "gear" button next to it. When you click on the Edit Profile button a page resembling the one below will appear. Pay attention to the red arrows.  

Step 1-    

  • Profile picture:   Have a professional profile picture of you. People want to see the person behind the company. 
Step 2- 
  • Username:  Change this to be more uniform with your other social media.  For example, I use Pinterest Pro as much as possible.  As you can see in the image to the left, I use  Pinterestprov becuase another pinner had Pinterest Pro. (13 characters)
Step 3-
  • About You: Use this space to let pinners know what your business is.  You can use 160 characters and spaces.  Be concise, use key words, and describe what you do. 
Step 4-
  • Location: Either put your exact location or a more general location.  As you can see in the image to the left, I put Central Florida to cover a broader base.  
Step 5- 
  • Website: Put your website URL and have website verified.  Pinterest provides the HTML code for this.  If someone else built your website, they will need to do this for you.  
You now have a good Pinterest Profile.  Click on save.  When your website is verified, you will notice a red check mark in your profile box by your web address . You can see mine where the red arrow is pointing in the image to the right.  Website verification lets Pinterest know you are a legit business and not a fake company. After the website is verified, you will get analytics and move up in the search on Pinterest.

Have questions?  Please email me at or leave comments below. 

Next week - what about all this other "stuff"?

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