Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Pinterest just keeps getting better and better.  After being very frustrated with trying to change the covers on my boards. I decided to do a little exploring.  I clicked on the board edit button.  Wow! A new button there.  As you can see in the picture above, there is now a change cover button.  When you click on that button, you are able to scroll through the board pins and choose a cover.  (this works just like it did before when you just put your cursor over the pin on the cover.)   AMAZING!!!! 
Another change is you can now move pins easier.  When you click on the board name, you will not only see all the pins on the board but you will also see the addition of a button named MOVE PINS.  Follow these steps: 
  1. Click on the move pins button you will see 3 buttons at the top of the top: (move, copy, and illustrated above)   
  2. Choose the pins you wish to move, copy or delete by clicking on the pins (you will see a red check mark on the pins you select)
  3. Click on Move, copy or delete
    1. If you click on Move or copy, you will then be instructed to choose the board you wish to move or copy the pin 
    2. If you select, move the pin will be moved to that board and no longer be on the original board
    3. If you select, copy the pin will remain on the original board and be copied to the board you selected.  
Wow!  Hope this helped.  Stay tuned for more updates about the ever evolving Pinterest platform. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

What does Laquon Treadwell have to do with Social Media?

Do you know who Laquon Treadwell is?  He is  Ole Miss receiver that was  close to scoring a go-ahead touchdown with 1:30 remaining in the Auburn game when he was tackled from behind and fumbled. His left leg and ankle bent at an awkward angle and the 6-foot-2, 229-pound sophomore was in obvious pain before being carted off the field.

Replay showed he fumbled the ball due to the excruciating pain just before the end zone, giving Auburn the ball and the win. In a few short seconds everything changed for him and his team.  

Let's see what we can learn from this young man's statement the day after the injury. 
  • Laquon was injured doing what he loved - playing football
    • Social media managers are doing what they love and run into obstacles i.e. client wants more followers, potential client decides to not hire us, a contest does not work
Laquon's statements: 
  • “Not everything in life is set out to be easy, & not every plan we have for ourselves work out in our favor."
    • When things go wrong, we can say not everything in life is set out to be easy, and not every plan we have for our clients works out
  • “Even the greatest & most powerful people we praise or look up to have huge downfalls”
    •  If we look around, we will see that even the influencers in our field have downfalls 
  •  “It takes a strong person & an even stronger mindset to prepare for that major come back. It didn't kill me, so watch as I become stronger. Thanks for the prayers everyone, God bless..” 
    • When we run into obstacles, we can  tell ourselves that we are strong and we will bounce back and do it better the second time around. 

Don’t let the bumps in the road get you down.  Have Laquon’s attitude and prepare for a major come back. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

I have an answer for you - JUST DO IT!!

As I was reading the Hubspot Blog "The Science of Productivity," I was reminded of this video by Kolowich's statement, "Before we embark on big projects, our brains attempt to simulate real, productive work by focusing on small, mindless tasks to pass the time -- and, consequently, prevent us from getting anything done." 

How many times have you done this?  I know I have.  I will sit down at the computer to write a proposal for a client, write a blog or schedule pins.  The next thing I know  I am reading emails or sorting items on my desk.  I need to JUST DO IT!

I believe that is why many business owners are not successful with Pinterest.  At the beginning, a person has to gather pictures, do research, look for clients; and there is no instant gratification.  I say to you in the words of Art Williams and Nike "JUST DO IT!" You will be glad you did. 

Monday, October 27, 2014


You see this graph and your immediate reaction is but I thought......Pinterest Pro said.....Did she lie to us?.........The graph clearly shows Facebook is a clear winner when it comes to the social media traffic referrals.  No doubt about it.  Also you can see that Pinterest flatlined in June/July.  The question is what caused that?  What changes were taking place in Pinterest?  What changes were taking place in Facebook?  As an economists I know that you have to look at underlying conditions also.  Do your research.  Stats can be misleading.  
 The good news is that Pinterest is hanging in there.  Look at the table above.  The other social medias are not hanging in there. Twitter saw a drastic decline. The only other social media worth mentioning is Google+ because it did have a significance increase.
Now look at this graph.  This shows Orders received after the traffic was driven to the website.  You can see that Pinterest outsells Google and Amazon.  Pinterest also doubles Facebook sales. The Pinterest dollar amount has increased in recent months.  As the saying goes, "People go to Pinterest to see what they want to buy."  Don't let fear hold you back from learning about this social media.  

Monday, September 22, 2014

Your Day Is About to Get Better

Our Deepest Fear is not that we are inadequate....but that we are powerful beyond measure.  

Fear is what holds us back.  Holds us back from taking that first step towards being powerful beyond measure and successful.  Fear is that tight feeling we get in our chest when we think of trying something new. 

 Sometimes when I am talking to business people about using Pinterest I can see that fear - fear of trying something new to market their product. 
 Fear that I am not telling the truth......................
Fear that it won't work...........................................
Fear that it will be money wasted..........................
But what if it is a powerful marketing tool and you did not give up?

Pinterest is upgrading daily and amazing things are happening.  Let your own light shine and step out there and take a look.  Your brave step will shine the light for others to use the powerful Pinterest tools that are more viral and have a longer shelf life than any other social media. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Actually the Pinterest Pro website is gone.  A client mentioned  that when she clicked on my link,she got a screen that looked like the top picture to the right.  The problem was Pinterest Pro did not know the difference between your website being developed, the hosting of your website, your domain name? You purchase your domain name (URL), someone develops your website for you (writes it, lays it out and all that fancy stuff), and then someone hosts the website for you.  I thought it was all in one.  
 I realize some of you are thinking, "Everybody knows that.” I did not. Wait a minute it gets more interesting. A couple of years ago,  I was advised by my "coach" to use a person in India to do my website. Therefore, I hired the Indian person to create a website for me. I thought all was fine. What I did not know was that he was hosting the website on his server (do not laugh if I used the wrong term) in India. This person disappeared, He was nowhere to be found. As a result, I no longer have a website. I really did not want to make a quick trip to India.
 I did not know what to do so I contacted, Billy Bob (name changed to protect the unknowing). He explained to me what had happened and gave me advice I wish I had already received - It is OK to have you website developed by someone in India but always have it hosted by a reputable firm here such as GoDaddy, Blue Host, etc. "OHHHHHH." Thank goodness, I had learned a few lessons along the way and had copies of all my files. 

If you tried to use, you got the picture at the bottom. That is because I am having a new website built and I have purchased the URL. New website coming soon!  Lesson learned.  My business world tuition keeps going up. I think I have a doctorate by now.J

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Top 10 Benefits of Social Media

Ten benefits of social media are presented in this video.  I borrowed the list from Complete Developer's eNewsletter because I have a lot of respect for the company. . The eNewsletter gives more information about each one.
Click Here for Video
 If you would like to read the article go to

Many small business owners will look at this and think social media is the end all, cure all.  What the small business owner doesn't realize is how much time it takes to develop that following, resulting in unreal expectations.  As a small business owner please remember the following about social media: 
  • Pin, post, upload, etc. consistently 
  • Cross promotion between the social medias is vital
  • Having an email list to make clients aware  is golden
  • Takes a lot of time and effort to search for your target market 
  • Give the social media time to develop 
  • Think long term
If you remember this points and are diligent, social media can be an awesome asset to your marketing plan. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How Do You Choose Names for Your Pinterest Boards?

One of the Top 3 questions I get asked is "How Do I Choose Names for My Pinterest Boards?"  Peers seem to be more concerned about the name of their boards than the description of their pins.  Below is a short video giving hints for naming your boards.  Shadow, the Pinterest Tipster, sends the message "Enjoy and take notes." 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Do you Need a Website?

Think a website is not important.  Think again.  That is where you make the sale. However, don't just throw one up there.  Think carefully about who you hire.  Take a look at these hints before you look.
For more information click here

Friday, June 27, 2014

Pinterest and SEO

Hear a lot of talk about SEO and wonder how to improve it for your business.  One sure way is with Pinterest.  Watch the video and get some helpful hints about what to do.  How many of these tactics do you use now?
Keep it Pinteresting!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Everything You Know About Pinterest Is Wrong

"Pinterest is just a bunch of women" - 60% of consumer purchases are made by females; single females are the top real estate buyers

"Pinterest is just a bunch of info about crafts, weddings" - architecture, travel, real estate are all on Pinterest

"Pinterest is just a blue collar platform" - Doctors, lawyers, government contractors, bankers (white collar industries) are on Pinterest

Since I specialize in Pinterest, I hear these statements often.  I just laugh because I know Pinterest is growing everyday.  I read.  Novel idea, right?  When I saw the charts in the picture below in an article, I couldn't resist making a few points.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Improve SEO Using Pinterest

Pinterest Pro Anna Seminar

Many small business owners struggle with SEO ranking and trying to get ahead of the big companies.  One of Pinterest assets is that SEO loves Pinterest because it groups items for them.  Want to learn more?  Click on the link below and read the Press Release.

Pinterestingly Positioned Professor

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pinterest Research

We know YouTube is often used for finding information but what about Pinterest?  Pinterest actually has a vast amount of information on various topics to help you with anything from writing a resume to redecorating your house.  Pinterest Pro compiled this video to illustrate some of the ways ways Pinterest can be used for research.  Click on the link and see some of the suggestions.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Anna, Pinterest Pro

In social media, we say the client wants to get to know you.  I thought I would introduce myself.  Not looking my best but in my work environment.  Email me, visit my page on Facebook, visit me or Pinterest or connect with me on LinkedIn. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

What Consumers Love

I often get questions about what to type of pins a business should pin on their boards.  Here are a few good ideas.  Click on the video and follow these suggestions.