Monday, December 8, 2014

What does Laquon Treadwell have to do with Social Media?

Do you know who Laquon Treadwell is?  He is  Ole Miss receiver that was  close to scoring a go-ahead touchdown with 1:30 remaining in the Auburn game when he was tackled from behind and fumbled. His left leg and ankle bent at an awkward angle and the 6-foot-2, 229-pound sophomore was in obvious pain before being carted off the field.

Replay showed he fumbled the ball due to the excruciating pain just before the end zone, giving Auburn the ball and the win. In a few short seconds everything changed for him and his team.  

Let's see what we can learn from this young man's statement the day after the injury. 
  • Laquon was injured doing what he loved - playing football
    • Social media managers are doing what they love and run into obstacles i.e. client wants more followers, potential client decides to not hire us, a contest does not work
Laquon's statements: 
  • “Not everything in life is set out to be easy, & not every plan we have for ourselves work out in our favor."
    • When things go wrong, we can say not everything in life is set out to be easy, and not every plan we have for our clients works out
  • “Even the greatest & most powerful people we praise or look up to have huge downfalls”
    •  If we look around, we will see that even the influencers in our field have downfalls 
  •  “It takes a strong person & an even stronger mindset to prepare for that major come back. It didn't kill me, so watch as I become stronger. Thanks for the prayers everyone, God bless..” 
    • When we run into obstacles, we can  tell ourselves that we are strong and we will bounce back and do it better the second time around. 

Don’t let the bumps in the road get you down.  Have Laquon’s attitude and prepare for a major come back. 

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