Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pinterest Tips to Improve Your SEO

Stressed me out trying  to decide - Did I share this with you yet? 

Pinterest Tips to Improve Your SEO      (Click on words to left for video)

If you click on the link above, you will view a video that I put together with helpful hints from mine and Anna's friend +Vincent Ng   Good tips and Vincent did the research.   When naming boards, writing descriptions,      choosing url addresses,   file names; always be cognizant of keywords. Humph, bet you didn't think a  dog would know that big of  a word.             

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Boy, oh, boy, those girls are looking hot!!!

Hi, there,
Yes, it is me, Shadow, the Pinterest Tipster.  Sorry about my tongue sticking out but boy, oh, boy, those girls in that video were looking lip smacking good.   Take a look for yourself. 

When I heard Anna talking to a client about Pinterest teaming with Style TV to present fashions pinned on Pinterest, I knew Pinterest was run by smart folks.  I snuck and look up more information on Anna's computer while she was gone.  (Don't tell Anna.  She doesn't  know that I can read).Not only are they doing this in the United States but they are also doing this in Europe.  I am beginning to understand why Anna likes Pinterest and wanted to help business owners learn how to use it.  Pinterest is growing by leaps and bounds and  they are also listening to their clients.  What I don't understand is why small business owners don't get in on the action now.  Makes so much sense.  Tsk. Tsk.  Guess they don't know all that I know because I listen to Anna. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Wonder what I should share with these humans today????
Hello, Shadow, the Pinterest Tipster, here again.  Sometimes I hear Anna talking to clients about their Pinterest accounts and why they are not getting much traffic.  I often hear her referring to her friend Vincent Ng, who she just adores.  Vincent this, Vincent that, Vincent says.  Well, I peeked at this video as she was producing it and thought, "Hmm, he is pretty sharp."  Therefore, I thought I would share with you Vincent's video about mistakes Starbucks made with their Pinterest account and maybe you can learn from his solutions.  I wish I had gone to Vancouver and met Vincent.  Noooooo, I had to stay here with the Pet Sitter.  I often stood at the window like this looking for Anna and Ron to come back.  Write a comment and let me know what you think.