Monday, October 27, 2014


You see this graph and your immediate reaction is but I thought......Pinterest Pro said.....Did she lie to us?.........The graph clearly shows Facebook is a clear winner when it comes to the social media traffic referrals.  No doubt about it.  Also you can see that Pinterest flatlined in June/July.  The question is what caused that?  What changes were taking place in Pinterest?  What changes were taking place in Facebook?  As an economists I know that you have to look at underlying conditions also.  Do your research.  Stats can be misleading.  
 The good news is that Pinterest is hanging in there.  Look at the table above.  The other social medias are not hanging in there. Twitter saw a drastic decline. The only other social media worth mentioning is Google+ because it did have a significance increase.
Now look at this graph.  This shows Orders received after the traffic was driven to the website.  You can see that Pinterest outsells Google and Amazon.  Pinterest also doubles Facebook sales. The Pinterest dollar amount has increased in recent months.  As the saying goes, "People go to Pinterest to see what they want to buy."  Don't let fear hold you back from learning about this social media.