Sunday, June 14, 2015

Should I Use Pinterest?

Do you often feel that you are disconnected in Social Media like this electrical box? The platforms make changes quickly, don't tell us about the changes, and we scramble to keep up.  That is why I decided to specialize in Pinterest only. .  As they make changes to the platform (has been very often lately) I can study and stay abreast of these changes. 

Pinterest is becoming a better tool for business owners almost daily and getting the attention of many people. In addition,  Pinterest is getting more attention from the mainstream social media folks.  As you read the recent articles about Pinterest, you may have thought - Is Pinterest for me?  Ask yourself, " Do I want to be in front of a community that has these traits?"
  •  The fastest-growing and most powerful group in the marketplace
  •  Retail outsells Amazon, Yahoo, Bing and Google in final dollar sale  
  • The average order of $194 doubles Facebook orders
  • 20M people in this community have a household income of over $100,000
 If so, then Pinterest is for you.  Pinterest is an excellent tool for any business that has a product that is visually appealing.  If you are a service industry that can pin news, trends, and inspiration,  Pinterest is also a good tool for you.  

In addition, take a look at this short video I created and make a decision - Should I use Pinterest?  Let me know what your answer by commenting below.