Monday, March 30, 2015

Want to Pin Items to Your Facebook Business Page? 

I love Pinterest as a social media.  It has all the other social medias beat when it comes to viral content and shelf life.  My one complaint was that you could not share pins to Facebook because Facebook did not want Pinterest playing in their sandbox.

Well - TA-DA - You can now pin to your FACEBOOK BUSINESS PAGE.  Yes, I said business page not your personal page.  In the diagram to the left I circled in read the drop down menu that allows a pinner to do this.  Just to be sure you understand how to do this I am providing the following steps:

  • Click on the board to enlarge the board
  • Click on the pin you want to share on your Facebook page
  • Click on the Share button in the upper right corner
  • After you click on the Share button, you will see On Your Timeline in the upper left corner
  • Click on the arrow in the right corner and a drop down menu will appear
  • The drop down menu will offer you these options
    • On your own Timeline
    • On a friend's Timeline
    • In a group
    • On a page you manage 
    • Send in a private message
Try it out and see what you think.  As I keep saying, "Pinterest keeps getting better and better."  Please feel free to contact me if you need any help with this.  STAY PINTERESTING!!!