Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to Schedule 25 Pins Per Day

Often clients ask me what I use to schedule pins.  After much trial and error (more error than trial) I settled on Viraltag.  There platform has improved so much over the years.
To the right is a screenshot of the updated version they just rolled out.
You will notice across the top there are headings.  The failed posts and recent posts are new.  I like those features because you can see what did not post and why. Also you can look at the recent posts and to be certain you did not pin an image you are about to pin.
Next you see across the top several different social media icons.  On Viraltag, a user can now post to 10 different accounts.  The social media Platforms included are Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and tumbler in any combination.  For example, you can schedule posts for your Facebook personal page, Facebook business page,  Pinterest account, client's Pinterest account, .........all at the same time.

If you have used Viraltag, you are familiar with the Discover feature.  This feature discovers images on topics.  This now has a search feature and are not limited to the topics they list.

This is a screenshot of my account with images scheduled to post to different platforms.  A great feature for those that manage Pinterest accounts for companies.  Also makes it easy to write a keyword rich description and add the URL all in one place.

Give it try and let me know what you think.