Monday, November 24, 2014

I have an answer for you - JUST DO IT!!

As I was reading the Hubspot Blog "The Science of Productivity," I was reminded of this video by Kolowich's statement, "Before we embark on big projects, our brains attempt to simulate real, productive work by focusing on small, mindless tasks to pass the time -- and, consequently, prevent us from getting anything done." 

How many times have you done this?  I know I have.  I will sit down at the computer to write a proposal for a client, write a blog or schedule pins.  The next thing I know  I am reading emails or sorting items on my desk.  I need to JUST DO IT!

I believe that is why many business owners are not successful with Pinterest.  At the beginning, a person has to gather pictures, do research, look for clients; and there is no instant gratification.  I say to you in the words of Art Williams and Nike "JUST DO IT!" You will be glad you did.