Monday, September 22, 2014

Your Day Is About to Get Better

Our Deepest Fear is not that we are inadequate....but that we are powerful beyond measure.  

Fear is what holds us back.  Holds us back from taking that first step towards being powerful beyond measure and successful.  Fear is that tight feeling we get in our chest when we think of trying something new. 

 Sometimes when I am talking to business people about using Pinterest I can see that fear - fear of trying something new to market their product. 
 Fear that I am not telling the truth......................
Fear that it won't work...........................................
Fear that it will be money wasted..........................
But what if it is a powerful marketing tool and you did not give up?

Pinterest is upgrading daily and amazing things are happening.  Let your own light shine and step out there and take a look.  Your brave step will shine the light for others to use the powerful Pinterest tools that are more viral and have a longer shelf life than any other social media. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Actually the Pinterest Pro website is gone.  A client mentioned  that when she clicked on my link,she got a screen that looked like the top picture to the right.  The problem was Pinterest Pro did not know the difference between your website being developed, the hosting of your website, your domain name? You purchase your domain name (URL), someone develops your website for you (writes it, lays it out and all that fancy stuff), and then someone hosts the website for you.  I thought it was all in one.  
 I realize some of you are thinking, "Everybody knows that.” I did not. Wait a minute it gets more interesting. A couple of years ago,  I was advised by my "coach" to use a person in India to do my website. Therefore, I hired the Indian person to create a website for me. I thought all was fine. What I did not know was that he was hosting the website on his server (do not laugh if I used the wrong term) in India. This person disappeared, He was nowhere to be found. As a result, I no longer have a website. I really did not want to make a quick trip to India.
 I did not know what to do so I contacted, Billy Bob (name changed to protect the unknowing). He explained to me what had happened and gave me advice I wish I had already received - It is OK to have you website developed by someone in India but always have it hosted by a reputable firm here such as GoDaddy, Blue Host, etc. "OHHHHHH." Thank goodness, I had learned a few lessons along the way and had copies of all my files. 

If you tried to use, you got the picture at the bottom. That is because I am having a new website built and I have purchased the URL. New website coming soon!  Lesson learned.  My business world tuition keeps going up. I think I have a doctorate by now.J